Awutu-Senya Constituency

Awutu-Senya Constituency anԑ sʋ’ʋlʋm linԑ paasi ti Ghana wadmaanib yir la ni mԑn. Ba mԑ ԑԑnti vↄti gaŋ nid yinne ka o zi’enԑ ba nↄba zug n an wadmaan n tisi ba vↄt saŋa[1][2] Cape Coast constituency la bԑnԑ Cape Coast Municipal district la linԑ bԑ Ghana Central Region sʋ’ʋlʋm la.

Awutu Senya District
former district of Ghana
CountryGhana Dɛmisim gbɛlima
Located in the administrative territorial entityCentral Region Dɛmisim gbɛlima
LocationCentral Region Dɛmisim gbɛlima
Coordinate location5°42′0″N 0°37′0″W Dɛmisim gbɛlima

Lin bԑ zi’isi’a

dɛmisim gbɛlima

Cape Coast constituency la bԑnԑ Cape Coast Municipal district la linԑ bԑ Ghana Central Region sʋ’ʋlʋm la.

Wadmaanib banԑkpԑn’ wadmaanib yir la ni

dɛmisim gbɛlima
Vↄt Na’anya’and Na’adↄↄg Saŋa
1951 Kwesi Plange Convention People's Party 1951-1953
1953 by-election Amponsah Dadzie Ghana Congress Party 1953-1954
1954 Nathaniel Azarco Welbeck Convention People's Party 1954-1965
1965 Professor. Kojo Abraham Convention People's Party 1965-1966
1969 T. D. Brodie-Mends Progress Party 1969-1972
1979 Dr. Bassa Quansah Action Congress Party 1979-1981
1992 Harry Hayford National Convention Party 1992-1996
1996 Christine Churcher New Patriotic Party 1996-2008
2008 Ebo Barton-Odro National Democratic Congress 2008-2012

Sʋ’ʋlʋm la da ti kena pʋdigi ayi n an Cape Coast North nԑ Cape Coast South constituencies yʋʋma 2012.

Yʋʋma 2008 Ghana wʋsa vↄt la ni:Cape Coast
Na’adↄↄg Na’anya’and Vↄtnam Kↄbiga pʋʋgin


National Democratic Congress Ebo Barton-Odro 38,694 54.1 9.6
New Patriotic Party Kwamena Ollenu Amponsah-Dadzie 31,426 44.0 -7.2
Convention People's Party Emmanuel Kweku Sagoe 947 1.3 -2.2
Democratic Freedom Party Joel Eshun 219 0.3
Independent Ato Aidoo Nyanor 217 0.3
Majority 7,268 10.1 3.4
Turnout 72,053 69.5 -16.8
Yʋʋma 2004 Ghana wʋsa vↄt la ni: Cape Coast
Na’adↄↄg Na’anya’and Vↄtnam Kↄbiga pʋʋgin


New Patriotic Party Christine Churcher 36,264 51.2 -4.5
National Democratic Congress Ebo Barton-Odro 31,538 44.5 2.9
Convention People's Party Araba Bentsi-Enchill 2,497 3.5 2.0
People's National Convention Macdonald Kobbs Tongo 567 0.8 0.1
Majority 4,726 6.7 -7.4
Turnout 71,781 86.3
Yʋʋma 2000 Ghana wʋsa vↄt la ni: Cape Coast
Na’adↄↄg Na’anya’and Vↄtnam Kↄbiga pʋʋgin


New Patriotic Party Christine Churcher 31,573 55.7 3.7
National Democratic Congress Ebo Barton-Odro 23,550 41.6 -4.4
Convention People's Party Araba Bentsi-Enchill 846 1.5
People's National Convention Macdonald Kobbs Tong 374 0.7
National Reform Party Kweku Orleans-Lindsay 309 0.5
Majority 8,023 14.1 6.1
Yʋʋma 1996 Ghana wʋsa vↄt la ni: Cape Coast
Na’adↄↄg Na’anya’and Vↄtnam Kↄbiga pʋʋgin


New Patriotic Party Christine Churcher 30,496 54.0
National Democratic Congress S. Valis - Akyianu 25,932 46.0
Majority 4,564 8.0
Turnout 56428 85.4 53.7
Yʋʋma 1992 Ghana wʋsa vↄt la ni: Cape Coast
Na’adↄↄg Na’anya’and Vↄtnam Kↄbiga pʋʋgin


National Convention Party Harry Hayford
Turnout 12,005 31.7